Now presenting… Jason Demant

New York_jason

Hi, I’m Jason. I find Will Ferrell to be hilarious, hate the feeling of velvet and have a strange phobia of touching my own belly button. I was born, went to grade school, high school, college and started my professional career all within a 3-hour radius in Northern California.

My professional “work-for-other-people” career spanned 3 jobs at the same high tech company in the Silicon Valley — Project Manager, Finance Analyst and Marketing Manager.

I left my Silicon Valley cubicle in October 2009 to travel throughout Asia for a year. During the trip, I found a passion for entrepreneurship and am now focusing on building a company that will allow me to continue my Life After Cubes.

Portfolio Of Sites:

  • Unanchor — We put a new spin on the traditional travel guide. We are a marketplace of self-guided tour itineraries written by local experts.
  • Life After Cubes - Our blog chronicling our travels and entrepreneurial aspirations.
  • Twist Seoul - Organizer and host of the “This Week in Startups” Seoul Meetup
  • Keys To China — Candidate focused job board connecting job-seekers with Chinese companies.

Ways to connect with me:

And for those kickin’ it old school, my email address: