by Jason
With winter approaching my mind always wanders to the same thing – snowboarding. It’s one of my favorite activities and yet I haven’t been on a board in almost three years. This year I hope to change that and perhaps go on a couple ski holidays. We’ll be in Korea for most of the winter […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea | Work: South Korea
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by Jason
Today’s guest post comes courtesy of my father, Barry Demant. Sharon and I were excited to host both him and my Mom at the end of May in Seoul for nearly 2 weeks. This was their first trip to Korea, as well as Asia. The primary goal that Sharon and I had set was to […]
Filed under: Guest Blogs | Travel: South Korea
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by Jason
People have always joked to me that Koreans eat dog. There have been many times when I told people that I lived in Korea and the first question they’ve asked is, how many times did you eat dog? Having lived in Korea well over 7 months (including last year) and never actually having seen a […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Jason
Upon arriving in Seoul a few weeks ago, the first question I asked Sharon was, “how is our apartment?” Her response, “small – I almost cried when I first saw it”. I knew from her response that we were going to be on our own finding a new apartment in a country where we didn’t speak the […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
One of the first questions people have been asking us upon our return home has been “what was your favorite place?” If you have been on a longer-than-one-month trip overseas, then you know this dreaded question and are so familiar with answering it that you use the same cookie-cutter reply every time because every place […]
Filed under: Post-Trip | Travel: South Korea
by Jason
One of the traditions I’ve tried to keep for each country I visit is to take a picture of the license plate. It has been interesting to compare something as common as a license plate throughout the various countries we’ve visted. In this picture post, I’ll share the different license plates we’ve come across throughout […]
Filed under: Travel: Cambodia | Travel: China | Travel: Indonesia | Travel: Japan | Travel: Singapore | Travel: South Korea | Travel: Thailand | Travel: Vietnam
by Sharon
One of the main reasons for traveling Asia for a year was to experience Korean life. We had our expectations coming in to the country, and I can safely say that most of mine were wrong. Here is a list of some of those changes :
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
As I write this post, Jason and I are sitting in our much needed air conditioned room in Padang, Indonesia. Our 3rd hotel in 4 nights in Padang. It has been quite the whirlwind of travel this past week. We started our adventure exactly one week ago (although it seems like a month ago), when […]
Filed under: Travel: Indonesia | Travel: South Korea
by Jason
Welcome to Korean Culture 101. The idea behind this post is to explain the primary things one should know about the culture so as to not piss people off before entering the country. I also try to throw in some things that are vastly different than life in the western world. A quick warning: Most […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
One of the things Jason and I wanted to do while we were temporarily “settled” down in Korea was sign up for some sort of class. Jason wanted to learn something Korean, so he chose Tae Kwon Do. During our 5 month stay in Korea, Jason was able to take two full months of Tae […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
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