
Searching for a good business idea? Tell your friends!

by Jason

A common challenge amongst aspiring entrepreneurs is “I don’t have a good idea”. In the following, I’ll discuss my process of searching for business ideas and the tremendous value of being public about my search.

WeShip Post-mortem

by Jason

Six months ago I wrote about a new business idea — WeShip. I’ve now fully explored the business, tested assumptions, and talked with potential customers & partners. I wrapped-up this process in early August and decided this wasn’t a business I would pursue. In this post I’ll provide my final steps and why I decided […]

The Entrepreneur Journey Heats Up

by Jason

Two weeks ago I told my boss and the rest of the LAUNCH team that it’s time to move on to something else. I don’t have a definitive plan on what’s coming next (scary!), but my goal with the change is to become a Founder again. Thankfully, my boss and colleagues have been extremely supportive. […]

Vetting a New Business Idea in Public: WeShip

by Jason

I’ve been thinking about this business idea for a couple years now. Reading a recent interview with Marc Andreessen spurred me to start looking into it further (more on that below). For my first step I’ve decided to share my thought process and get your feedback.

How to Return to the Entrepreneur Path?

by Jason

My ultimate goal is to start a company and work for myself. I’ve tried it once. It was awesome. It wasn’t necessarily successful, but I definitely know that’s the path for me. The question I’ve been grappling a lot with lately is how do I get there again?