In a Muslim World

by Sharon

Fact: Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. Fact: Jason and I have spent the last 2 and a half weeks in Padang, Indonesia and a surrounding city called Bukittinggi which are both cities of the island of Sumatra. A vague “fact”: The population of Muslims in Padang, Indonesia is somewhere in the vicinity […]

When Travel Loses Its Thrill, Is It Time To Go Home?

by Jason

I recently sent out the following message via Twitter: “I’m much less motivated to learn Indonesian than previous countries. A sign that travel has lost its lure? A sign it’s time to go home?” I’ve been thinking a lot about why I’ve been lazy in learning at least some basic Indonesian. But the main question […]

Our Time in Korea Wrap-Up

by Sharon

One of the main reasons for traveling Asia for a year was to experience Korean life.  We had our expectations coming in to the country, and I can safely say that most of mine were wrong.  Here is a list of some of those changes :

UnAnchor Update

by Jason is the startup I founded and launched a few months ago. The goal of the site is to help travelers find detailed “do-it-yourself” itineraries for their next travel destination – what to see, how to get around, information on local customs, etc. All of the itineraries are written by users and available for sale […]

Goodbye Korea, Hello Indonesia!

by Sharon

As I write this post, Jason and I are sitting in our much needed air conditioned room in Padang, Indonesia. Our 3rd hotel in 4 nights in Padang. It has been quite the whirlwind of travel this past week.  We started our adventure exactly one week ago (although it seems like a month ago), when […]

Korean Culture 101 - Learn Before You Get There

by Jason

Welcome to Korean Culture 101. The idea behind this post is to explain the primary things one should know about the culture so as to not piss people off before entering the country. I also try to throw in some things that are vastly different than life in the western world. A quick warning: Most […]

Finding a Hobby in Korea

by Sharon

One of the things Jason and I wanted to do while we were temporarily “settled” down in Korea was sign up for some sort of class.  Jason wanted to learn something Korean, so he chose Tae Kwon Do.  During our 5 month stay in Korea, Jason was able to take two full months of Tae […]

Interview with International Volunteering Expert Kirsty Henderson

by Jason

I’ve been a fan of Kirsty’s Nerdy Nomad blog since back in my cubicle days. I was drawn in by her perpetual travel and completely transparent reports of how she earns her living online. As I followed her story, I learned that she not only travels but also volunteers, helping those in a time of […]

The 7 Link Challenge

by Sharon

Our last day in America! Can you believe that was over 9 months ago? One of our favorite travel bloggers recently took the 7 link challenge and after reading further about it, it sounded like a fun idea. So, both Jason and I have compiled and completed the 7 link challenge. Please join us on […]