by Sharon
I’m going to tell you a thing or two about the crazy occurrences that go on in South Korea during election time. This is a very random topic to be writing about, especially from someone like me who enjoys writing about fashion and cute Asian kids, but hopefully you’ll understand that it’s too ridiculous to […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Jason
While learning Korean grammar and vocabulary can be a difficult task, it’s an incredibly simple language to learn to read. A lot of people think that Korean has thousands of characters, like Chinese, but in fact it’s a simple, logical alphabet made up of only 24 letters. In this post, I’ll explain a little bit about […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
Here in Korea, we have had the privilege of spending a lot of time with a family friend who happens to be 14 years old. He also happens to be taller than Jason. This friend of ours is named Jinho, and he is the subject of this post regarding the education system in South Korea. […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Jason
To help get the word out about, I’ve had a busy last few weeks writing guest posts and interviews for other blogs. In this post, I’ll share the different articles that have already been published.
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by Jason
Greetings from Busan, South Korea — our new home for the next 2 months. We’ve found ourselves a cozy (read: very small) studio apartment and will be settling down here for the next couple of months. Today’s post is focused around a constant battle Sharon and I experience: trying to see all of the sights […]
Filed under: Other Trip Things | Travel: Canada | Travel: Japan | Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
For all of you American pop music lovers, I am going to bring a new source of music into your lives: Korean Pop (usually referred to as “K-Pop”). Just like fashion and general aesthetics of different cultures, I always notice different types of music from the countries that we visit.
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Jason
A couple months ago, Sharon and I claimed to have been offered a writing gig in North Korea. For those who thought we were currently rubbing elbows with Kim Jung Il, I’m sorry to admit, but that was an April Fool’s joke. While that was a joke, we did have an opportunity this past week […]
Filed under: Travel: South Korea
by Sharon
In previous posts, I have mentioned some ridiculous and hilarious English translations from all around Asia. These terrible translations are affectionately called “Engrish”, and there is even an entire website devoted to funny translations from Asia. (Why are they always from Asia? Get with the program, Asia!!!!). I am going to keep writing to a […]
Filed under: Other Trip Things | Travel: China | Travel: Japan | Travel: South Korea
by Jason
Overland travel has become a staple of our trip. Having a lot of time but not a lot of money lends itself to cheap bus rides and long ferry rides rather than expensive, fast flights. I’m proud to say that Sharon and I have traveled overland from Hong Kong to Thailand and then from southern […]
Filed under: Travel Tips