A Day in the Life…

by Sharon -- November 16, 2009

Sanya 001 1

We figured our parents readers would want to know what a normal day is like for us since we left the good ol’ States.  So far, our days here in Asia have been pretty similar to each other, so here is a basic illustration:

We sleep as late into the morning as our little hearts desire (for Jason it’s usually around 9am and for me it’s whenever his loud noises wake me up, which is usually around 9:30-10ish).  Jason usually uses this time (before I wake up) to go on his computer and such.  Once I wake up, we both eat a standard breakfast of apples, yogurt, pears, bananas, and/or leftovers from dinner the night before.  We started our trip by rushing every morning to get ready and find somewhere to eat breakfast, but we soon found out that it was too difficult and stressful to do that every day.

After breakfast, we finalize our plans of what to do that day.  (So far we have been fond of beaches, markets, temples, hiking, and islands).  In Hong Kong, Jason and I searched everywhere for a very thin, foldable daypack that we could use when we go on our daily excursions.  We finally found one at a small outdoor store, so now we make sure to pack it to the brim with water, books (reading books, Mandarin, Cantonese, AND the big trusty China book), towels for the beach, alcohol swabs (just in case!), band-aids, sunscreen, Advil, and the most important of all- itch cream.  Once we have the bag packed, we leave for whatever activity we’re doing that day.

We find somewhere to eat a late lunch and are usually back to our hostel in time to look up a restaurant for dinner.  Since the food here is generally very cheap, we usually have one nicer meal in the day where we “splurge” and spend $15-$20 on food instead of $6.

After dinner, we visit the local supermarket to buy more water bottles and the next day’s breakfast (sometimes I’ll smuggle in some HI-Chew candy because I’m addicted) and head back to our hostel.  By this time, my skin is extremely sticky from the hot and humid weather mixed with the sunscreen I applied earlier, so I immediately shower, then Jason showers, then we both unwind by surfing the internet or doing some work.  Lately we have been watching the first season of Lost, especially since I have been sick this week, but we finished all 24 episodes in just a few days and now we are impatiently awaiting for the second season to download!

Once we reach South Korea and find an apartment, our routine may change a bit as we will have our own kitchen and will be able to cook once again.  Until then, we will continue to live as the vagabonds that we are.

Random Thought of the Day: Many of the girls here walk pigeon-toed, meaning they walk with their feet turned in, meaning their knees point more towards each other than they should, and then their feet point towards the opposite foot…  As a dancer, this is the biggest no-no that your body is trained never to do through years of ballet classes.  I wonder if it’s genetic?

Be awesome and help us share:

4 Responses to “A Day in the Life…”

  1. You’re looking pretty tan Demantski. Nice job.

  2. Also, a little Lost spoiler for you both: Jack is the smoke monster. I know, it’s crazy. I thought he was just a doctor too.

  3. Wierd…Jason wakes people up early? Unheard of.

  4. Okay Eric’s & Pat’s comments just made me laugh really hard. And yes, Jason def needed a tan. He told me how much shit he got for that one pic haha too funny Miss you guys!!

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